Pregnant woman thrashed till she faints in Pakistan: Security guard first slapped her, then kicked her in the mouth; accused arrested

 In Karachi, Pakistan, a pregnant woman was publicly beaten up by a security guard on the road. This video is going viral in social media. The incident happened on August 5. The woman was beaten up by the guard until she became unconscious. After registering an FIR in the police station of the victim, the police arrested the accused.

What is the whole matter?
The pregnant woman works in an apartment in Noman Grand City, Karachi. He had called his son to give him food. When the son reached the apartment with food, the security guard refused to let him inside.

When the woman came to know about this, she reached the spot and asked the guard the reason for not allowing her inside. Due to this the guard started abusing and started beating the woman.

The woman, a 6-month pregnant
woman, told that the guard slapped me and pushed me to the ground. He started kicking when I fell on the ground, while I am 6 months pregnant. The video of the beating of the woman was made by the people around, which is now going viral on social media. Many people are demanding strict punishment for the guard.

CM ordered strict action The
matter reached Sindh CM Murad Ali. He ordered strict action against the security guard. The CM says that such misbehavior with any woman will not be tolerated at all.


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